Accessing Resources and Support for Children with Special Needs in Bronx, New York

Are you a parent of a child with special needs in Bronx NY? Learn about resources available such as National Autism Association & BronxWorks & more.

Accessing Resources and Support for Children with Special Needs in Bronx, New York

Are you a parent of a child with special needs in Bronx, New York? If so, you may be wondering where to turn for help and support. Fortunately, there are many resources available to you. Your first point of contact should always be your child's school. They can provide information about the special education process and help you access the services your child needs.

The National Autism Association offers webinars and instructional videos to help families understand autism and how to best support their children. BronxWorks is another great resource for individuals and families looking to improve their economic and social well-being. They provide food, shelter, education, and support to people of all ages in the Bronx community. The AFC Parent Center is dedicated to supporting parents in their fight for quality education for their children.

Through their Parent Center, they provide training, information, and assistance to parents of children with disabilities aged 0-26, as well as the professionals who work with them. They offer workshops in English and Spanish in every community in New York City that prepare parents to effectively advocate for their children's educational rights in the public school system. IncludeNYC is another great resource for young people looking to access resources and thrive in school, work, and community. Parents and family members are essential partners in their children's education.

They provide important information to teachers and administrators, play a key role in decision-making about their children, and can help support their children's high expectations during their school years. The Special Education Process begins with an initial referral for special education services followed by an individual evaluation process. If the Committee decides that your child is eligible for special education services, they must identify the category of disability that best describes your child. The Intrepid Museum's Education and Access team organizes a series of special tours, camps, and hands-on learning opportunities for those interested in history and STEM.

If you do not give your consent for your preschooler (age 3) to be evaluated, the Preschool Special Education Committee will take steps to ensure that you have received and understood the request for consent for your child's evaluation but will not be able to proceed without your consent. Together, you'll work to ensure that special education programs and services are provided to meet your child's needs. You can also request a written statement so that the additional parent member of the Committee does not participate in the Committee meeting. Services include a therapeutic day care, a traveling special education teaching program, an early childhood consultation, and an outpatient clinic. Advocates for Children is a recognized leader in school reform efforts with experience bringing together community organizations, parent groups, and government agencies to address systemic issues and improve outcomes and options for all students. They were involved in a lawsuit against the New York City Department of Education where parents of children with disabilities alleged that they had received favorable orders and agreements at fair hearings that were not being enforced in time. The Program Guide for Gifted and Talented Students for Students with Disabilities (also available in Spanish) explains how special education should not prevent admission or participation in a program for the gifted and talented.

Before recommending that special education services be provided in an environment that includes only preschoolers with disabilities, the CPSE will first consider providing special education services in an environment where age-appropriate peers without disabilities are normally found. A person from an Early Childhood Counseling Center, an approved preschool program, or an early intervention program that serves children with disabilities from birth to three years of age can also make a referral. Now that you're familiar with the special education process, you'll want to learn more about your rights and protections under the law and regulations. If your child is being evaluated for the first time to decide if they have a disability, the Board of Education must organize appropriate special education programs and services within 60 school days after receiving your consent to evaluate your child. If you do not consent to the initial evaluation or the initial provision of special education services, the CPSE will not take any further action until such consent is obtained.