Finding Resources for Families of Children with Special Needs in Bronx, New York

Are you a parent of a child with special needs in Bronx NY? Learn about organizations & programs providing assistance & resources for families.

Finding Resources for Families of Children with Special Needs in Bronx, New York

Are you a parent of a child with special needs in Bronx, New York? If so, you may be wondering what resources are available to help you and your family. Fortunately, there are many organizations and programs that provide assistance to families of children with disabilities in the Bronx. IncludeNYC is a leading provider of training and information for children and young people with disabilities (ages 0 to 2) in New York City, their families and the professionals who support them. They connect young people to resources and help them thrive in school, work and community.

IncludeNYC works to provide love, equity and access to young people with disabilities in New York City. ACCESS NYC is an online public evaluation tool that can be used to determine eligibility for municipal, state, and federal health and human services benefit programs. The AFC Parent Center is dedicated to supporting parents in their fight for quality education for their children. Through their Parent Center, they provide training, information and assistance to parents of children with disabilities, ages 0 to 26, and to the professionals who work with them. They present workshops, in English and Spanish, in every community in New York City that prepare parents to effectively advocate for their children's education-related rights in the public school system.

These local groups offer support, inspiration, and resources for parents and families of children with special needs. The New York City AHRC offers resources for families including information on relays, training workshops, educational promotion, services for siblings, and information on guardianship. Cohen offers regular workshops where parents meet to talk about their children with special needs and the difficulties and problems that come with raising children with special needs. The Bronx Council on Developmental Disabilities is an association of parents, advocates, consumers and professionals concerned with the needs of people with developmental disabilities who reside in the Bronx. These efforts have the potential to affect thousands of children with disabilities within the New York City public school system. The Beyond Access series is part of the Specialized Instruction and Student Support Division of the New York City Department of Education.

Intrepid Museum's Education and Access team organizes a series of special tours, camps, and hands-on learning opportunities for those interested in history and STEM. The Hudson Valley Special Education Parent Center 914-493-7665 HVSEPC at the Westchester Human Development Institute offers resources and strategies for parents to play a greater role in their children's special education programs. The Center for Law and Education (CLE) strives to realize the right of all students to a quality education across the country and to help communities address their own public education issues effectively, with an emphasis on assisting students and low-income communities. Advocates for Children is a recognized leader in school reform efforts. They bring together community organizations, parent groups, and government agencies to address systemic issues and improve outcomes and options for all students.

The New York City Department of Education challenged the fact that they did not provide free breakfast and lunch to children with disabilities who would normally be entitled to receive meals at school but had to attend private special education schools because the DOE did not provide them with adequate public school education. The Program Guide for Gifted and Talented Students for Students with Disabilities (also available in Spanish) ensures that special education does not prevent admission or participation in a program for the gifted and talented. Advocates for Children of New York has been protecting and promoting the educational rights of students with disabilities since 1971. Special Moms Network 855-487-2384 is a private Facebook group that aims to educate, support and empower mothers of children with special needs and their families. Based on data, findings, and interviews with professionals, special education advocates, and parents of students with disabilities, the document makes recommendations for addressing barriers to CTE. The South Bronx Literacy Academy (SBLA) is a new 2- to 8-year-old public school designed specifically to support readers with reading difficulties and children with language-based learning disabilities such as dyslexia as well as co-occurring conditions like ADHD, anxiety, or depression. In conclusion, there are many organizations that provide assistance to families of children with special needs in Bronx New York. From online resources like ACCESS NYC to local groups like AFC Parent Center or Advocates for Children of New York – there are plenty of options available for families looking for help.